Assignment 1: Questionnaire
Formal Name:
Jeremy Jacobek
Jeremy Jacobek
What Name would you like to be called:
How would you like to be referred?
He/Him or She/Her
Gmail email account:
Discord Profile:
(Please create one if you do not have it)
You will also get an invite from me to join the class DISCORD link.
Please accept it immediately and get familiar with the Onboarding information that is on Discord, as we will use it as the primary communication platform.
Discord: Jeremy1911 #5102
What is the most important thing you hope to learn from this class?
How to use more advanced animation rigs to animate more complex characters, beyond bouncing balls and flour sacks.
How do you think this class will help you with your academic background/aspirations after school?
What are your plans after graduating from school?
Hopefully, I'll get a better understanding of what it takes to animate complex models and possibly how to set them up to be animated, so I'll be more experienced with 3d programs like Maya. After graduation I plan on building my portfolio, then seeking a career in game development as a 3d modeler, animator, or level designer.
What is your major, and why did you choose it?
My major is in Animation, I chose it because 3d modelling and animation fell under that category and those are what I plan to do for my career.
When will you graduate?
Next year, either after the spring or fall semester.
Do you have a job this semester? Yes ( hours/week) No
Yes, 10-20 hours a week along with four other classes.
What has been your favorite class since you have been here?
3d Modelling. This is because it was the first time I actually got to take a class learn about the subject that I signed up for when starting this major.
Did you go to another college before this college?
Yes, I went to Pasco Hernando State College (PHSC) to get my associates degree before transferring here.
If so, what related classes did you take?
Not many if any, because at that point I was in a STEM major dealing with computer engineering.
Have you ever studied animation before? Yes/No Describe your experience.
Yes, I took several classes here at USF, These include, 3d animation, 2d animation/storyboarding using toon boom, and a class focusing on motion graphics using After Effects.
How do you think you learn best? Briefly describe your learning style and what kinds of classroom or homework activities help you learn best.
I learn best through examples, specifically through pictures and videos that give step-by-step instructions that I can closely follow and learn at my own pace.
What is your prior Maya experience?
How will what you learn at the end of this help you achieve your goals?
How is the course content relevant to your future development and career aspiration?
How will you use the content of this course for your professional practice?
I took 3d modelling and 3d animation which both used Maya. The information learned this semester will deepen my understanding of the Maya software and of 3d animation techniques. This class pretty much directly relates to the field that I plan on pursuing for my career. I'll use this in my profession when making and animating 3d models for my work.
Are you planning to use Maya in the computer lab, or do you have Maya 2020- installed on your personal computer? Please DO NOT use Maya 2022/23 for this class. Some of the Maya files provided will not work with Maya 2022/2023..
I have Maya at home on my system.
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